At the end of an OEM 13c agent manual installation on one of the servers I got this message:
Finished post install
Plugin txt:
Inside if , is empty
/u01/oracle/agent13c/plugins.txt not found. The Management Agent installation failed. The plug-in oracle.sysman.oh may not be present in the Management Agent software. Ensure that the Management Agent software has the oracle.sysman.oh monitoring and discovery plug-in.
When I copied the agent binary from the OMS server to target server I copied the one located under:
This agent was outdated because there were minor changes happened on the OMS since OMS was initially installed.
You have to re-generate a new agent from OMS and use it on the target server to install the agent:
On the OMS server: Generate a new agent:
Create a temporary directory that will hold the new generated agent:
# mkdir /tmp/emcli
Login to OMS using emcli with sysman:
# cd /u01/oracle/13cmiddleware/bin
# ./emcli login -username=sysman -password=xxxx
Login successful
# ./emcli sync
Synchronized successfully
Get the platform details:
# ./emcli get_supported_platforms
Version =
Platform = Linux x86-64
Platforms list displayed successfully.
Generate the agent providing the temp location along with the platform and version you got in the previous command:
# ./emcli get_agentimage -destination=/tmp/emcli -platform="Linux x86-64" -version=
=== Partition Detail ===
Space free : 4 GB
Space required : 1 GB
Check the logs at /u01/oracle/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/emcli/setup/.emcli/get_agentimage_2020-05-27_13-55-05-PM.log
Downloading /tmp/emcli/
File saved as /tmp/emcli/
Downloading /tmp/emcli/
File saved as /tmp/emcli/
Downloading /tmp/emcli/unzip
File saved as /tmp/emcli/unzip
Executing command: /tmp/emcli/unzip /tmp/emcli/ -d /tmp/emcli
Exit status is:0
Agent Image Download completed successfully.
Now copy the newly generated agent to the target server and use it for installing the agent:
# scp /tmp/emcli/ oracle@SRV1:/u01/oracle/agent13c
On the Target server install the copied agent software:
# mkdir /backup/tmp
# cd /u01/oracle/agent13c
# unzip
# /u01/oracle/agent13c/ AGENT_BASE_DIR=/u01/oracle/agent13c \
-force \
-ignorePrereqs \
-invPtrLoc /etc/oraInst.loc \
AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME=/u01/oracle/agent13c/agent_inst \
At the end of installation run this script: [By root]
# /u01/oracle/agent13c/agent_13.
Make sure the agent is running:
# /u01/oracle/agent13c/agent_13. status agent
As a rule of thumb, always generate a fresh agent on the OMS server to use for installing the EM agent on the target server.
At the end of an OEM 13c agent manual installation on one of the servers I got this message:
Finished post install
Plugin txt:
Inside if , is empty
/u01/oracle/agent13c/plugins.txt not found. The Management Agent installation failed. The plug-in oracle.sysman.oh may not be present in the Management Agent software. Ensure that the Management Agent software has the oracle.sysman.oh monitoring and discovery plug-in.
When I copied the agent binary from the OMS server to target server I copied the one located under:
This agent was outdated because there were minor changes happened on the OMS since OMS was initially installed.
You have to re-generate a new agent from OMS and use it on the target server to install the agent:
On the OMS server: Generate a new agent:
Create a temporary directory that will hold the new generated agent:
# mkdir /tmp/emcli
Login to OMS using emcli with sysman:
# cd /u01/oracle/13cmiddleware/bin
# ./emcli login -username=sysman -password=xxxx
Login successful
# ./emcli sync
Synchronized successfully
Get the platform details:
# ./emcli get_supported_platforms
Version =
Platform = Linux x86-64
Platforms list displayed successfully.
Generate the agent providing the temp location along with the platform and version you got in the previous command:
# ./emcli get_agentimage -destination=/tmp/emcli -platform="Linux x86-64" -version=
=== Partition Detail ===
Space free : 4 GB
Space required : 1 GB
Check the logs at /u01/oracle/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/emcli/setup/.emcli/get_agentimage_2020-05-27_13-55-05-PM.log
Downloading /tmp/emcli/
File saved as /tmp/emcli/
Downloading /tmp/emcli/
File saved as /tmp/emcli/
Downloading /tmp/emcli/unzip
File saved as /tmp/emcli/unzip
Executing command: /tmp/emcli/unzip /tmp/emcli/ -d /tmp/emcli
Exit status is:0
Agent Image Download completed successfully.
Now copy the newly generated agent to the target server and use it for installing the agent:
# scp /tmp/emcli/ oracle@SRV1:/u01/oracle/agent13c
On the Target server install the copied agent software:
# mkdir /backup/tmp
# cd /u01/oracle/agent13c
# unzip
# /u01/oracle/agent13c/ AGENT_BASE_DIR=/u01/oracle/agent13c \
-force \
-ignorePrereqs \
-invPtrLoc /etc/oraInst.loc \
AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME=/u01/oracle/agent13c/agent_inst \
At the end of installation run this script: [By root]
# /u01/oracle/agent13c/agent_13.
Make sure the agent is running:
# /u01/oracle/agent13c/agent_13. status agent
As a rule of thumb, always generate a fresh agent on the OMS server to use for installing the EM agent on the target server.