In case you have a failed Grid Infrastructure setup or want to clean up RAC nodes from a 19c RAC setup, follow these steps:
Grid Infrastructure DE-INSTALLATION steps:
[Execute on All Nodes | As root user] # $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stop resource -all
[Execute on All Nodes | As root user] # $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stop has
[Execute on Node1 | As root user] # $GRID_HOME/crs/install/ -deconfig -force
[Execute on Node1 | As GRID owner] # $GRID_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -detachHome -silent ORACLE_HOME=$GRID_HOME
[Execute on Rest of Nodes | As root user] # $GRID_HOME/crs/install/ -deconfig -force
[Execute on Rest of Nodes | As GRID owner] # $GRID_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -detachable -silent ORACLE_HOME=$GRID_HOME
[Execute on All Nodes | As root user]
# rm -rf $GRID_HOME/*
# rm -rf $GRID_HOME/.*
# rm -rf $ORACLE_BASE/*
# rm -f /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
# rm -f /etc/init.d/init.ohasd
# rm -f /etc/
# rm -rf /etc/oracle
# rm -f /usr/tmp/.oracle/*
# rm -f /tmp/.oracle/*
# rm -f /var/tmp/.oracle/*
# rm -f /etc/oratab
# rm -rf /var/opt/oracle
Overwrite the ASM OCR Disks headers:
[Execute on Node1 | As root user]
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/oracleasm/disks/OCR_DISK1 bs=1024 count=100
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/oracleasm/disks/OCR_DISK2 bs=1024 count=100
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/oracleasm/disks/OCR_DISK3 bs=1024 count=100
Now it's good to go with a new Grid Infrastructure setup.