New features was added to the Health Check script including:
- Display the in-active (dormant) DB accounts in the report:
By default, it will show the accounts that don't have any login attempts for more than 45 days, but you still can tweak it in the script under the Thresholds section:
- Audit related data will be shown in the report by default:
Certainly this will increase the script execution time especially if you have a big sys.aud$ table, you still can control this behavior by enabling or disabling audit record settings in the script:
Please note that audit record setting enables/disables the extraction of the following audit data:
- Failed Login Attempts in the last 24Hours.
- Audit records in the last 24Hours.
- Fine Grained Auditing Data.
- Dormant accounts.
You can download the script from this link:
Here you can find the original post which explains the script in details: